2024 Presidential Election Calendar: Key Dates and Events

Some of the dates mentioned below are subject to change, and certain locations have not yet finalized their dates. The 2024 presidential election is slated for November 5, following a series of nominating contests in each state and territory, set to commence early in the year and conclude in June. The Republican and Democratic conventions are scheduled for July and August, respectively. you can also find the 2024 presidential schedule by state in another article.

Since 1920, New Hampshire has hosted the nation’s first primary, while Iowa, with its caucuses since 1972, has traditionally taken place even earlier. However, there are indications that this longstanding tradition might undergo changes in 2024, with some dates yet to be confirmed.

Despite potential adjustments to individual state schedules, the significance of Super Tuesday remains unchanged, set for March 5. On this day, over a dozen states, including influential ones like California and Texas, will conduct their primaries. By the end of March, more than 50% of each party’s delegates will have been determined through these events.

To delve deeper into specific events on the calendar, click on the respective entries for detailed information. This includes available polling data, delegate allocation methods, and a link to live results when the event occurs. For a comprehensive overview of the entire country, encompassing national polls, refer to the Democratic and Republican nomination home pages.

It’s important to note that several states hold their regular statewide primaries on dates later than the presidential contest. In instances where you see a ‘1’ next to the state name, the dates align. For a more thorough examination, consult the 2024 State Primary Calendar.

Here is a 2024 calendar with event dates highlighted.

The calendar below shows dates for presidential primaries, party conventions, and presidential debates in 2024. The date is highlighted in purple, which means both parties have events on that day.


1. Primaries and Caucuses

The road to the White House begins with the primaries and caucuses, where candidates from each political party compete for their party’s nomination. These events allow voters to have a say in selecting their preferred candidate. The schedule for the 2024 primaries and caucuses is yet to be finalized, but historically, they have taken place between February and June.

2. National Conventions

Following the primaries and caucuses, political parties hold their national conventions to officially nominate their presidential candidates. These events are not only important for the formal nomination process but also serve as a platform to showcase the party’s values, ideals, and vision for the future. The dates and locations for the 2024 national conventions are still to be determined, but they typically occur in the summer months.

3. Presidential Debates

The highly anticipated presidential debates provide an opportunity for candidates Overview to present their policies, articulate their vision, and engage in spirited discussions. These debates play a crucial role in helping voters make informed decisions. The Commission on Presidential Debates is responsible for organizing and scheduling these debates, and the specific dates and locations for the 2024 debates will be announced closer to the election.

4. Voter Registration Deadlines

One of the most important aspects of any election is ensuring that eligible voters are registered and able to exercise their right to vote. Each state has its own voter registration deadlines, which typically fall a few weeks before the election day. It’s essential to stay informed about these deadlines and ensure that you are registered well in advance to avoid any last-minute complications.

5. Early Voting and Absentee Ballots

Many states offer early voting and absentee ballots to provide flexibility for voters who may not be able to vote in person on election day. These options allow individuals to cast their vote ahead of time or from a different location. The specific dates and requirements for early voting and absentee ballots vary by state, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the regulations in your jurisdiction.

6. Election Day

The culmination of the entire election process is Election Day when voters head to the polls to cast their ballots and choose the next President of the United States. The 2024 Presidential Election Day is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th. It’s a day that holds immense significance, as it determines the future direction of the country and shapes the lives of millions of people.

7. Electoral College Vote

While the popular vote is a crucial indicator of public sentiment, the final decision on the presidency is made through the Electoral College. On December 16th, 2024, the Electoral College will convene to cast their votes, officially determining the next President of the United States. It’s important to note that the outcome of the Electoral College vote may not always align with the popular vote, as demonstrated in previous elections.


The 2024 Presidential Election is a significant event in American politics, shaping the future of the nation. By staying informed about the key dates and events outlined in this calendar, you can actively participate in the democratic process and make your voice heard. Remember, every vote counts, and your involvement can make a difference in shaping the course of history.

So mark your calendars, register to vote, and prepare to engage in the democratic process as we embark on the journey toward the 2024 Presidential Election.

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